I took Oscar to my friend's house today to meet her new cat George. I wanted them to meet because Carol sometimes looks after Oscar and it would be good for him to meet his new friend. My friend's dog is getting used to the new addition. But, oh poor Oscar what a wreck! He was so frightened. Frightened of a little ginger kitten that is only 4 months old!!! Oh my!! My great big Golden Retriever who chases the cats out of our garden, barking profusely, was scared! He lept up onto Carol's lap and was begging her to take this alien creature away. So when he chases the cats out the garden he is just putting on the 'big I am' act. If only the cats knew that if they didnt move, Oscar would probably back away scared as hell LOL!!! It was so funny to see. So I don't think I will be getting a cat then! I so wish I'd had my camera!!
Also I have to apologise people. It's my fault that this week went so quick and that we are nearly Friday already. I have been wishing it away because Im all excited to get my hair done tomorrow - I am! Hopefully it will be back to proper blond and I won't make it red again! I wont! Also John and I have a weekend all to ourselves we do! So I apologise for making this week zoom by!!
Oh what a picture that conjures up!! Leaping on to her lap. Maybe it was because the kitten is so young and small. Good luck with your hair.
Oh thats why the week went so quickly ,funy I just said to Maurice how quickly the week had gone ,now Iknow why hee hee ,Oh Oscar you funny dog ..love Jan xx
dogs are queer......;)
Poor Oscar! My old cats used to terrorise my two dogs ~ cats are wicked like that! I hope you like the result with your hair! Jeannette xx
I have a hard time with dogs. Oscar sounds like a hot dog to me!
oscar is being territorial at home, protecting his home.
at carols, he was in another enviroment.
very common for furrs. {{}}
Love the pix of the boy..you aren't kidding this week flew by
got in no problem my friend.... it was a bit slow but ....
good luck with your hair.. mine gets done tomorrow
2 cute, lol
Poor Oscar..........I suppose he will remain an only "child" then? Eileen x
It's so cute that your dog is afraid of the kitten!
I made the red hair mistake also just a month or ago. I also will never do red again! LOL
That is to funny about the dog. I'm glad you wished the week faster. I want it over with too. I just wish my chores would get done just as fast, but no luck on that one. Good luck on the hair. Mine needs to be done so badly. I need to get on that and I think I would feel better. I should consider a cut now to so that it will look good for the holidays. I usually hate my hair when I first cut it. Enjoy your day.
Take care, Chrissie
Ah, so it's your fault that this week has whizzed by then is it? It has you know, it whizzed by. Whizz!
Oscar, bless him. I think that he was just trying to boost the ickle cat's confidence by pretending to be afraid of it. Dogs are kind like that :o)
Oh I do wish you had had your camera with you it's always the same we carry our camera with us for weeks weighing down our handbags and the time we need it its not there. Since we retired every week zooms in can't believe its been almost four years I wish it would slooooow down just a tad. Have a lovely weekend. Love Joan.
That is so funny Lainey, Jake loves to chase next doors cat Willow though I`m not sure what he would do if he caught him. Most likely turn round and run the other way, he IS a bit of a wimp.....lol!
Love Sandra xxxx
Believe it or not the more they're around one another the more they will get along. Pickles used to be held hostage in the room by my smallest cat. She would simply sit in the doorway. Poor thing didn't know what to do or how to get past the mean ol' cat. Now she simply bats her out of the way gently with her paw. They're the best of buddies. Even the stray cats outside love Pickles.
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